
Carib Brewery (Grenada) Limited Previous Company 1: Grenada Breweries Limited
Previous Company 2: Grenada Breweries Limited
Previous Company 3: Grenada Breweries Limited

Company Profile

Carib Brewery (Grenada) Limited

Contact & Addresses

Primary Contact Persons:
Aldyn E. Henry-Bishop
Telephone 1:
(473) 444-4248
(473) 444-4842
Physical Address:
Maurice Bishop Highway Grand Anse St George's   Grenada 
Mailing Address:
PO Box 202  St George's   Grenada 

Other Information

Company Secretary:
Mrs Aldyn Henry-Bishop, BSC (Hons), FCCA, MBA, Accredited Director

Authorized share capital = 6,000,000 ordinary Shares

Issued share capital= 4,154,652 ordinary shares

Outstanding share capital= 4,154,652 ordinary shares

Registration Number:
Place of Incorporation:
St. George, Grenada
Primary Business Activity:
Beer and Ale, Malt Beverages, Bottled Soft Drinks Manufacturing
Date of Incorporation:
Financial Year End:
Subject to Regulatory Action:
Substantial Shareholders:

Ansa Mc Al Limited  2,307,068 ordinary shares 55.54%

National Insurance Board 389,336 ordinary shares 9%

Senior Managers

  1. Mr Ron Antoine, Managing Director
  2. Mr Delano Pasea, Operations Manager
  3. Ms Alana H. Wilson, Quality Assurance Manager
  4. Mrs Aldyn Henry-Bishop, Financial Comptroller and Company Secretary
  5. Mr. Christopher Baird, Sales Manager
  6. Mrs. Ronique Marshall, Marketing Manager


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