
Types of Market Participants

There are four types of market participants in the Eastern Caribbean Securities Market:

Market Intermediaries: are licensed by the ECSRC to provide a range of services. A description of the types can be viewed here.

Issuers: these are companies that have made or propose to issue securities to the public. These companies are required to register with the ECSRC and are subject to the disclosure and continuing reporting requirements of the securities legislation.

Market Institutions: these are companies responsible for facilitating the trading of securities, clearing and settlement of securities transactions, custodial services and maintenance of securities holders’ records. These institutions operate in an electronic environment facilitating trading activity across the eight territories comprising the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union. The main market institutions licensed to operate within the ECSM include: the Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange Ltd, the Eastern Caribbean Central Securities Depository Ltd and the Eastern Caribbean Central Securities Registry Ltd.

Self-Regulatory Organisations:these are associations of licensed firms with the statutory responsibility to regulate their members. These are: Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange Ltd and Eastern Caribbean Central Securities Depository Ltd.