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Users of this calculator are advised that the result(s) generated is based on the accuracy and completeness of the data you have entered. The calculation(s) provided is for illustrative and general information purposes only, and does not amount to investment advice nor makes recommendations regarding particular financial instruments, investments or products; and should not be relied upon in that regard. It is highly recommended that you liaise with a professional advisor (financial advisor or planner, investment advisor, or accountant, etc.) before making a decision to carry out a transaction or trade so as to ensure any strategy meets your overall financial needs and investment objectives; and that your personal circumstances have been taken into account. The ECSRC does not make any express or implied warranties or representations with respect to any information or results in connection with the calculator. The ECSRC will not be liable for any losses or damages arising from any errors or omissions in any information or results, or any action or decision made by you in reliance on any information or results.